If you are under 18 years of age, please leave now.
By entering this website, you understand and accept full responsibility for your own actions, thus releasing the website owner and the website builder software from all legal liability. The content in this website are not intended to be viewed by minors.
I DO NOT promote or offer prostitution services. All of my services and content displayed on my website are within all legal boundaries.
DO NOT TOUCH ME unless you have my permission.
I am discreet and respect your privacy but You must give me a valid email address.
You must act responsibly and agree to practice SSC
(safe, sane and consensual)and RACK.
(Risk aware consensual kink)
Safe, Sane, and Consensual can only truly be followed by individuals who have first considered Risk Aware Consensual Kink. After all, it is an awareness of the risks involved that will make a situation safe or unsafe, sane, or insane. It is the preparation, communication, and shared interests between interacting individuals that creates the air of consent and the joy of experiencing kink.

I was treated with respect all protocols were followed. I felt a deep bond and will continue to use this service. I like role play and Lady C was really good at coming up with scenarios to act out. Clean space and safe. Would recommend.
Mike Smith

I love photography and I thought it might be cool to have someone take pics of me. Lady C worked with me to get some really creative pictures.
Jessie Brown
I love hearing back from my clients, so please share your feedback.